Fetch Guide.com


Let us try and give you a hand by clearing up some common questions you may have about Fetch Guide.
If this page doesn't answer you questions, send us an email. Don't hesitate, we're really friendly.
Please click a question below to see our answer.
- How can I list my event?
- How can I list my exhibition?
- How much does it cost to add my gallery?
- What galleries will be listed?
- Why are you listing galleries for free?
- How do I get pictures of an exhibition posted?
- My gallery is listed, but we have a new website (or we've moved locations), how can I get you to update my profile?
- You made a mistake on my gallery profile, can you fix it?
- Why isn't my gallery's social account listed?
- How do I change the external gallery photo for a gallery I own?
- How can I find out what event is on today?
- Can I get a printed version of Fetch Guide?
- I don't want my gallery listed (our gallery has closed), can you take off our profile?


How can I list my event?
.... Listing a new event is as easy as filling out our simple add an event form with all of the necessary event information. Once you submit the form, we will review it and add it to our guide as soon as possible. However, please note that this form is for events (ie. receptions, openings, performances, parties, etc.) if you would like to post the duration of an art exhibition, fill out the add an exhibition form or note it in the details of the event form.
How can I list my exhibition?
.... To list a current or upcoming exhibition, please fill out the add an exhibition form. Once you have filled out and submitted the necessary information we will post it as soon as possible. If there will also be an event (ie. reception, opening, performance, party, etc.) associated with the exhibition please fill out an additional add an event form or make note of the necessary information required to attend the event in the details section of the exhibtion form and we will be able to post the event on our calendar.
How much does it cost to add my gallery?
.... Fetch Guide is a free resource for advertising art galleries in Ontario, we do not charge anything to post a gallery in our directory. To add a gallery simply fill out the add a gallery form. There will be several basic criteria required to allow Fetch Guide to create a profile for website visitors to view. It is also optional to include one exterior photo of the gallery strictly for reference purposes. Fetch Guide creates a fair and simple directory for all galleries to publicize their whereabouts to the arts community to generate easier access for all. Please keep in mind, not every "gallery" will be listed. Fetch Guide assesses the principles and conduct of each submission and may decline if the criteria is not suitable to be listed as a consistantly dedicated arts venue without other prevailing priorities (ie. studios, restaurants, bars, lobbies, banquet halls, etc. may be declined).
What galleries will be listed?
.... To be included on Fetch Guide, galleries must present their physical location and any additional information regarding public access to the venue. The gallery must demonstrate consistantly changing exhibitions or events dedicated to fine arts. Exhibiting the arts must be a gallery's primary function, therefore venues with other priorities (ie. studios, restaurants, bars, lobbies, banquet halls, etc.) may be declined from Fetch Guide.
Why are you listing galleries for free?
.... Fetch Guide is listing galleries for free because we believe it should be easier to access all of the galleries in Ontario and not just the ones willing to pay for advertising.
How do I get pictures of an exhibition posted?
.... Every gallery profile can display one exterior photo for reference at no cost.
My gallery is listed, but we have a new website (or we've moved locations), how can I get you to update my profile?
.... Thanks for letting us know. Email us and we will make any changes ASAP.
You made a mistake on my gallery profile, can you fix it?
.... Absolutely. Mistakes do happen and we are very sorry if we have made any. Please, email us immediately and we will make any necessary corrections.
Why isn't my gallery's social account listed?
.... We may not have known. Email us the link to your facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, flickr, blog, or whatever account you've set up and we will add it to your profile page.
How do I change the external gallery photo for a gallery I own?
.... Email us a photo of your gallery and we will switch it with the one we have online. However, we will not regularly change exterior photos to promote exhibitions. Promotional photos for exhibitions can be added when creating or editing exhibitions.
How can I find out what event is on today?
.... Check the calendar on your city or area's page. You can get to it from the main page of a region or by clicking "Calendar" in the top bar of most pages. If you end up on a calendar for a different city, choose your city/area from the drop down menu at the top of the calendar.
Can I get a printed version of Fetch Guide?
.... Unfortunately, no. We want to keep Fetch Guide free, and printing is just not in our budget, but maybe in the future.
I don't want my gallery listed (our gallery has closed), can you take off our profile?
.... Whether you're shutting down, or simply don't want to be listed, email us from your gallery email and we will remove your profile.

Is your question still unanswered? Email info@fetchguide.com


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